What Is Fraxel Laser Treatment?
If you’re in the market for smoother, sexier skin, there’s a new kind of treatment you can’t ignore.
Fraxel is one of the latest innovations in laser treatments for skin, and despite what rumors you may have heard, it’s safe, effective… and not nearly as painful as you may have heard. At Moran Laser & Salon, we provide quality laser and salon services to people around Nashville to help them achieve the radiant, glowing skin and hair they’ve always dreamt of. In today’s blog, we’ll be breaking down all you need to know about fraxel laser treatments so you can determine if they’re right for what you’re looking for. Continue scrolling for answers to common questions about Fraxel!

What Is Fraxel?
Fraxel is a new, microscopic kind of laser treatment that penetrates your skin to encourage the growth of new collagen and elastin. It combines the benefits of anti-wrinkle and skin tone treatments by working to minimize the appearance of wrinkles, scars, and brown spots, and even out your skin tone. Unlike other lasers, fraxel only targets a fraction of your skin at one time, which is where the name fraxel comes from!
How Does Fraxel Work?
Fraxel laser treatments use lasers on two wavelengths — 1550 and 1927 — to address skin concerns on the face, neck, chest, hands, or legs. The 1927 wavelength addresses issues related to skin tone, while the 1550 wavelength is the one that targets wrinkles and lines to smooth out your skin.
How Safe Are Fraxel Laser Treatments?
Fraxel laser treatments are safe for people of all skin colors, however, it is not a great choice if you suffer from melasma, a specific kind of hyperpigmentation of the skin. It is an effective skincare treatment for most everyone, and your laser specialist will be able to evaluate you and assure that Fraxel is right for you before proceeding with treatment.
How Do You Prepare For A Fraxel Treatment?
Preparing for a fraxel treatment is fairly easy. You should avoid using any retinoids, peels, acids, or any products that cause skin sensitivity for up to a week before treatment. That’s it! Oh, and you should avoid using alcohol or drugs immediately before treatment as a means to numb yourself — drugs and alcohol actually make your skin more sensitive to discomfort.
You may also want to postpone your treatment if you’re in the middle of an acne breakout on the day of your appointment — acne can make the treatment difficult to implement without damaging the areas where the zits are.
How Long Does A Fraxel Treatment Take?
The fraxel treatment itself doesn’t take very long — most sessions are completed within 15 to 25 minutes. However, you should factor in an additional 45 minutes to an hour before the treatment begins for the topical anesthetic to kick in before the treatment can begin. In total, you should expect the process to take anywhere from 60 to 80 minutes.
Minimal downtime is needed after a fraxel treatment, however, you should avoid vigorous exercise and sun exposure for a week following treatment. You should also refrain from attempting to cool off the treated area with ice, as you could inadvertently give yourself an ice burn. Cold compresses are okay, though.
How Long Do The Results Last?
The results of fraxel laser treatments vary wildly from patient to patient due to natural differences in complexion. On average, though, the results of a fraxel laser treatment should last for at least a year!
Choose A Reliable, Top-Rated Laser Specialist
Now that you know what fraxel entails, you can move forward with confidence and schedule an appointment with a trustworthy, veteran laser salon that will treat your skin with care and precision. Call Moran Laser & Salon in Nashville today to schedule your first treatment!