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How To Prepare For A Tattoo Removal Session

Are you considering getting a tattoo removed? If so, it's important to prepare yourself for the tattoo removal process to ensure that you get the results you are hoping for.

At Moran Laser and Spa in the heart of Nashville, we specialize in safe and effective laser tattoo removal, and we want to help ensure you have a successful session. Here are some tips on how to prepare for your tattoo removal session:

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Avoid Sun Exposure

Sun exposure can make your skin more sensitive, so it's important to avoid tanning or long periods of sun exposure prior to your tattoo removal session. You should also avoid using self-tanning products.

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Hydrate Your Skin

Keep your skin well-hydrated before your session. This will help the laser penetrate the skin and break up the tattoo pigment more effectively.

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Cleanse The Area

Make sure your skin is clean and free of any cosmetics, lotions, or ointments before your session. This will help prevent any irritation or complications during your treatment.

Take Pain Medication if Needed

Tattoo removal sessions can be uncomfortable. Take over-the-counter pain medication like ibuprofen or acetaminophen if you experience pain during the procedure.

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Wear Loose Clothing

Wear comfortable, loose clothing that will allow easy access to the tattoo removal area. This will help prevent any irritation or discomfort during and after your session.

Follow Pre-Session Instructions

Your tattoo removal specialist, like our dedicated team at Moran Laser and Spa, will provide specific instructions on how to prepare for your session. Make sure to follow these instructions carefully to ensure that you get the best possible results.

At Moran Laser and Spa, we use the latest technology to provide safe and effective tattoo removal services. Our licensed technicians are knowledgeable and experienced in all facets of laser tattoo removal. Contact us today to schedule your tattoo removal session and start your journey towards clear skin!

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